Advisory Published

CVE-2018-3628: Buffer Overflow

First published: Tue Jul 10 2018(Updated: )

Buffer overflow in HTTP handler in Intel Active Management Technology in Intel Converged Security Manageability Engine Firmware 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, and 11.x may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the same subnet.

Credit: secure@intel.com

Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Intel Active Management Technology>=3.0<=11.22.70
Intel Core 2 Duo=e4300
Intel Core 2 Duo=e4400
Intel Core 2 Duo=e4500
Intel Core 2 Duo=e4600
Intel Core 2 Duo=e4700
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6300
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6320
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6400
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6420
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6540
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6550
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6600
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6700
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6750
Intel Core 2 Duo=e6850
Intel Core 2 Duo=e7200
Intel Core 2 Duo=e7300
Intel Core 2 Duo=e7400
Intel Core 2 Duo=e7500
Intel Core 2 Duo=e7600
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8190
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8200
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8300
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8400
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8500
Intel Core 2 Duo=e8600
Intel Core 2 Duo=l7200
Intel Core 2 Duo=l7300
Intel Core 2 Duo=l7400
Intel Core 2 Duo=l7500
Intel Core 2 Duo=l7700
Intel Core 2 Duo=p7350
Intel Core 2 Duo=p7370
Intel Core 2 Duo=p7450
Intel Core 2 Duo=p7550
Intel Core 2 Duo=p7570
Intel Core 2 Duo=p8400
Intel Core 2 Duo=p8600
Intel Core 2 Duo=p8700
Intel Core 2 Duo=p8800
Intel Core 2 Duo=p9500
Intel Core 2 Duo=p9600
Intel Core 2 Duo=p9700
Intel Core 2 Duo=sl9300
Intel Core 2 Duo=sl9380
Intel Core 2 Duo=sl9400
Intel Core 2 Duo=sl9600
Intel Core 2 Duo=sp9300
Intel Core 2 Duo=sp9400
Intel Core 2 Duo=sp9600
Intel Core 2 Duo=su9300
Intel Core 2 Duo=su9400
Intel Core 2 Duo=su9600
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5200
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5250
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5270
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5300
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5450
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5470
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5500
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5550
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5600
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5670
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5750
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5800
Intel Core 2 Duo=t5870
Intel Core 2 Duo=t6400
Intel Core 2 Duo=t6500
Intel Core 2 Duo=t6600
Intel Core 2 Duo=t6670
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7100
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7200
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7250
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7300
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7400
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7500
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7600
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7700
Intel Core 2 Duo=t7800
Intel Core 2 Duo=t8100
Intel Core 2 Duo=t8300
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9300
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9400
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9500
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9550
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9600
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9800
Intel Core 2 Duo=t9900
Intel Core 2 Duo=u7500
Intel Core 2 Duo=u7600
Intel Core 2 Duo=u7700
Intel Core i3=4000m
Intel Core i3=4005u
Intel Core i3=4010u
Intel Core i3=4010y
Intel Core i3=4012y
Intel Core i3=4020y
Intel Core i3=4025u
Intel Core i3=4030u
Intel Core i3=4030y
Intel Core i3=4100e
Intel Core i3=4100m
Intel Core i3=4100u
Intel Core i3=4102e
Intel Core i3=4110e
Intel Core i3=4110m
Intel Core i3=4112e
Intel Core i3=4120u
Intel Core i3=4130
Intel Core i3=4130t
Intel Core i3=4150
Intel Core i3=4150t
Intel Core i3=4158u
Intel Core i3=4160
Intel Core i3=4160t
Intel Core i3=4170
Intel Core i3=4170t
Intel Core i3=4330
Intel Core i3=4330t
Intel Core i3=4330te
Intel Core i3=4340
Intel Core i3=4340te
Intel Core i3=4350
Intel Core i3=4350t
Intel Core i3=4360
Intel Core i3=4360t
Intel Core i3=4370
Intel Core i3=4370t
Intel Core i5=4200h
Intel Core i5=4200m
Intel Core i5=4200u
Intel Core i5=4200y
Intel Core i5=4202y
Intel Core i5=4210h
Intel Core i5=4210m
Intel Core i5=4210u
Intel Core i5=4210y
Intel Core i5=4220y
Intel Core i5=4250u
Intel Core i5=4258u
Intel Core i5=4260u
Intel Core i5=4278u
Intel Core i5=4288u
Intel Core i5=4300m
Intel Core i5=4300u
Intel Core i5=4300y
Intel Core i5=4302y
Intel Core i5=4308u
Intel Core i5=4310m
Intel Core i5=4310u
Intel Core i5=4330m
Intel Core i5=4340m
Intel Core i5=4350u
Intel Core i5=4360u
Intel Core i5=4400e
Intel Core i5=4402e
Intel Core i5=4402ec
Intel Core i5=4410e
Intel Core i5=4422e
Intel Core i5=4430
Intel Core i5=4430s
Intel Core i5=4440
Intel Core i5=4440s
Intel Core i5=4460
Intel Core i5=4460s
Intel Core i5=4460t
Intel Core i5=4570
Intel Core i5=4570r
Intel Core i5=4570s
Intel Core i5=4570t
Intel Core i5=4570te
Intel Core i5=4590
Intel Core i5=4590s
Intel Core i5=4590t
Intel Core i5=4670
Intel Core i5=4670k
Intel Core i5=4670r
Intel Core i5=4670s
Intel Core i5=4670t
Intel Core i5=4690
Intel Core i5=4690k
Intel Core i5=4690s
Intel Core i5=4690t
Intel CPU Cores=4500u
Intel CPU Cores=4510u
Intel CPU Cores=4550u
Intel CPU Cores=4558u
Intel CPU Cores=4578u
Intel CPU Cores=4600m
Intel CPU Cores=4600u
Intel CPU Cores=4610m
Intel CPU Cores=4610y
Intel CPU Cores=4650u
Intel CPU Cores=4700ec
Intel CPU Cores=4700eq
Intel CPU Cores=4700hq
Intel CPU Cores=4700mq
Intel CPU Cores=4702ec
Intel CPU Cores=4702hq
Intel CPU Cores=4702mq
Intel CPU Cores=4710hq
Intel CPU Cores=4710mq
Intel CPU Cores=4712hq
Intel CPU Cores=4712mq
Intel CPU Cores=4720hq
Intel CPU Cores=4722hq
Intel CPU Cores=4750hq
Intel CPU Cores=4760hq
Intel CPU Cores=4765t
Intel CPU Cores=4770
Intel CPU Cores=4770hq
Intel CPU Cores=4770k
Intel CPU Cores=4770r
Intel CPU Cores=4770s
Intel CPU Cores=4770t
Intel CPU Cores=4770te
Intel CPU Cores=4771
Intel CPU Cores=4785t
Intel CPU Cores=4790
Intel CPU Cores=4790k
Intel CPU Cores=4790s
Intel CPU Cores=4790t
Intel CPU Cores=4800mq
Intel CPU Cores=4810mq
Intel CPU Cores=4850hq
Intel CPU Cores=4860hq
Intel CPU Cores=4870hq
Intel CPU Cores=4900mq
Intel CPU Cores=4910mq
Intel CPU Cores=4950hq
Intel CPU Cores=4960hq
Intel CPU Cores=4980hq
Intel Core i3=6006u
Intel Core i3=6098p
Intel Core i3=6100
Intel Core i3=6100e
Intel Core i3=6100h
Intel Core i3=6100t
Intel Core i3=6100te
Intel Core i3=6100u
Intel Core i3=6102e
Intel Core i3=6157u
Intel Core i3=6167u
Intel Core i3=6300
Intel Core i3=6300t
Intel Core i3=6320
Intel Core i5=6200u
Intel Core i5=6260u
Intel Core i5=6267u
Intel Core i5=6287u
Intel Core i5=6300hq
Intel Core i5=6300u
Intel Core i5=6350hq
Intel Core i5=6360u
Intel Core i5=6400
Intel Core i5=6400t
Intel Core i5=6402p
Intel Core i5=6440eq
Intel Core i5=6440hq
Intel Core i5=6442eq
Intel Core i5=6500
Intel Core i5=6500t
Intel Core i5=6500te
Intel Core i5=6585r
Intel Core i5=6600
Intel Core i5=6600k
Intel Core i5=6600t
Intel Core i5=6685r
Intel CPU Cores=6500u
Intel CPU Cores=6560u
Intel CPU Cores=6567u
Intel CPU Cores=6600u
Intel CPU Cores=6650u
Intel CPU Cores=6660u
Intel CPU Cores=6700
Intel CPU Cores=6700hq
Intel CPU Cores=6700k
Intel CPU Cores=6700t
Intel CPU Cores=6700te
Intel CPU Cores=6770hq
Intel CPU Cores=6785r
Intel CPU Cores=6820eq
Intel CPU Cores=6820hk
Intel CPU Cores=6820hq
Intel CPU Cores=6822eq
Intel CPU Cores=6870hq
Intel CPU Cores=6920hq
Intel CPU Cores=6970hq
Intel Core i3=5005u
Intel Core i3=5010u
Intel Core i3=5015u
Intel Core i3=5020u
Intel Core i3=5157u
Intel Core i5=5200u
Intel Core i5=5250u
Intel Core i5=5257u
Intel Core i5=5287u
Intel Core i5=5300u
Intel Core i5=5350h
Intel Core i5=5350u
Intel Core i5=5575r
Intel Core i5=5675c
Intel Core i5=5675r
Intel CPU Cores=5500u
Intel CPU Cores=5550u
Intel CPU Cores=5557u
Intel CPU Cores=5600u
Intel CPU Cores=5650u
Intel CPU Cores=5700eq
Intel CPU Cores=5700hq
Intel CPU Cores=5750hq
Intel CPU Cores=5775c
Intel CPU Cores=5775r
Intel CPU Cores=5850eq
Intel CPU Cores=5850hq
Intel CPU Cores=5950hq
Intel Core i3=7020u
Intel Core i3=7100
Intel Core i3=7100e
Intel Core i3=7100h
Intel Core i3=7100t
Intel Core i3=7100u
Intel Core i3=7101e
Intel Core i3=7101te
Intel Core i3=7102e
Intel Core i3=7130u
Intel Core i3=7167u
Intel Core i3=7300
Intel Core i3=7300t
Intel Core i3=7320
Intel Core i3=7350k
Intel Core i5=7y54
Intel Core i5=7y57
Intel Core i5=7200u
Intel Core i5=7260u
Intel Core i5=7267u
Intel Core i5=7287u
Intel Core i5=7300hq
Intel Core i5=7300u
Intel Core i5=7360u
Intel Core i5=7400
Intel Core i5=7400t
Intel Core i5=7440eq
Intel Core i5=7440hq
Intel Core i5=7442eq
Intel Core i5=7500
Intel Core i5=7500t
Intel Core i5=7600
Intel Core i5=7600k
Intel Core i5=7600t
Intel CPU Cores=7y75
Intel CPU Cores=700t
Intel CPU Cores=7500u
Intel CPU Cores=7560u
Intel CPU Cores=7567u
Intel CPU Cores=7600u
Intel CPU Cores=7660u
Intel CPU Cores=7700
Intel CPU Cores=7700hq
Intel CPU Cores=7700k
Intel CPU Cores=7820eq
Intel CPU Cores=7820hk
Intel CPU Cores=7820hq
Intel CPU Cores=7920hq
Intel Core i3=8100
Intel Core i3=8100h
Intel Core i3=8100t
Intel Core i3=8109u
Intel Core i3=8130u
Intel Core i3=8145u
Intel Core i3=8300
Intel Core i3=8300t
Intel Core i3=8350k
Intel Core i5=8200y
Intel Core i5=8250u
Intel Core i5=8259u
Intel Core i5=8265u
Intel Core i5=8269u
Intel Core i5=8300h
Intel Core i5=8305g
Intel Core i5=8350u
Intel Core i5=8400
Intel Core i5=8400b
Intel Core i5=8400h
Intel Core i5=8400t
Intel Core i5=8500
Intel Core i5=8500b
Intel Core i5=8500t
Intel Core i5=8600
Intel Core i5=8600k
Intel Core i5=8600t
Intel CPU Cores=8086k
Intel CPU Cores=8500y
Intel CPU Cores=8550u
Intel CPU Cores=8559u
Intel CPU Cores=8565u
Intel CPU Cores=8650u
Intel CPU Cores=8700
Intel CPU Cores=8700b
Intel CPU Cores=8700k
Intel CPU Cores=8700t
Intel CPU Cores=8705g
Intel CPU Cores=8706g
Intel CPU Cores=8709g
Intel CPU Cores=8750h
Intel CPU Cores=8809g
Intel CPU Cores=8850h
Intel Core i9=8950hk
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx6700
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx6800
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx6850
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx9300
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx9650
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx9770
Intel Core 2 Extreme=qx9775
Intel Core 2 Extreme=x6800
Intel Core 2 Extreme=x7800
Intel Core 2 Extreme=x7900
Intel Core 2 Extreme=x9000
Intel Core 2 Extreme=x9100
Intel Core 2 Quad=q6600
Intel Core 2 Quad=q6700
Intel Core 2 Quad=q8200
Intel Core 2 Quad=q8200s
Intel Core 2 Quad=q8300
Intel Core 2 Quad=q8400
Intel Core 2 Quad=q8400s
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9000
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9100
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9300
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9400
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9400s
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9450
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9500
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9505
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9505s
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9550
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9550s
Intel Core 2 Quad=q9650
Intel Core Solo=su3500
Intel Core Solo=u2100
Intel Core Solo=u2200
Intel Core Solo=ulv_su3300
Intel Core Solo=ulv_su3500
Intel Core Duo=l2300
Intel Core Duo=l2400
Intel Core Duo=l2500
Intel Core Duo=t2050
Intel Core Duo=t2250
Intel Core Duo=t2300
Intel Core Duo=t2300e
Intel Core Duo=t2350
Intel Core Duo=t2400
Intel Core Duo=t2450
Intel Core Duo=t2500
Intel Core Duo=t2600
Intel Core Duo=t2700
Intel Core Duo=u2400
Intel Core Duo=u2500
Intel Core i3=330e
Intel Core i3=330m
Intel Core i3=330um
Intel Core i3=350m
Intel Core i3=370m
Intel Core i3=380m
Intel Core i3=380um
Intel Core i3=390m
Intel Core i3=530
Intel Core i3=540
Intel Core i3=550
Intel Core i3=560
Intel Core i3=2100
Intel Core i3=2100t
Intel Core i3=2102
Intel Core i3=2105
Intel Core i3=2115c
Intel Core i3=2120
Intel Core i3=2120t
Intel Core i3=2125
Intel Core i3=2130
Intel Core i3=2310e
Intel Core i3=2310m
Intel Core i3=2312m
Intel Core i3=2328m
Intel Core i3=2330e
Intel Core i3=2330m
Intel Core i3=2340ue
Intel Core i3=2348m
Intel Core i3=2350m
Intel Core i3=2357m
Intel Core i3=2365m
Intel Core i3=2367m
Intel Core i3=2370m
Intel Core i3=2375m
Intel Core i3=2377m
Intel Core i3=3110m
Intel Core i3=3115c
Intel Core i3=3120m
Intel Core i3=3120me
Intel Core i3=3130m
Intel Core i3=3210
Intel Core i3=3217u
Intel Core i3=3217ue
Intel Core i3=3220
Intel Core i3=3220t
Intel Core i3=3225
Intel Core i3=3227u
Intel Core i3=3229y
Intel Core i3=3240
Intel Core i3=3240t
Intel Core i3=3245
Intel Core i3=3250
Intel Core i3=3250t
Intel Core i5=430m
Intel Core i5=430um
Intel Core i5=450m
Intel Core i5=460m
Intel Core i5=470um
Intel Core i5=480m
Intel Core i5=520e
Intel Core i5=520m
Intel Core i5=520um
Intel Core i5=540m
Intel Core i5=540um
Intel Core i5=560m
Intel Core i5=560um
Intel Core i5=580m
Intel Core i5=650
Intel Core i5=655k
Intel Core i5=660
Intel Core i5=661
Intel Core i5=670
Intel Core i5=680
Intel Core i5=750
Intel Core i5=750s
Intel Core i5=760
Intel Core i5=2300
Intel Core i5=2310
Intel Core i5=2320
Intel Core i5=2380p
Intel Core i5=2390t
Intel Core i5=2400
Intel Core i5=2400s
Intel Core i5=2405s
Intel Core i5=2410m
Intel Core i5=2430m
Intel Core i5=2435m
Intel Core i5=2450m
Intel Core i5=2450p
Intel Core i5=2467m
Intel Core i5=2500
Intel Core i5=2500k
Intel Core i5=2500s
Intel Core i5=2500t
Intel Core i5=2510e
Intel Core i5=2515e
Intel Core i5=2520m
Intel Core i5=2537m
Intel Core i5=2540m
Intel Core i5=2550k
Intel Core i5=2557m
Intel Core i5=3210m
Intel Core i5=3230m
Intel Core i5=3317u
Intel Core i5=3320m
Intel Core i5=3330
Intel Core i5=3330s
Intel Core i5=3337u
Intel Core i5=3339y
Intel Core i5=3340
Intel Core i5=3340m
Intel Core i5=3340s
Intel Core i5=3350p
Intel Core i5=3360m
Intel Core i5=3380m
Intel Core i5=3427u
Intel Core i5=3437u
Intel Core i5=3439y
Intel Core i5=3450_
Intel Core i5=3450s
Intel Core i5=3470
Intel Core i5=3470s
Intel Core i5=3470t
Intel Core i5=3475s
Intel Core i5=3550
Intel Core i5=3550s
Intel Core i5=3570
Intel Core i5=3570k
Intel Core i5=3570s
Intel Core i5=3570t
Intel Core i5=3610me
Intel CPU Cores=610e
Intel CPU Cores=620le
Intel CPU Cores=620lm
Intel CPU Cores=620m
Intel CPU Cores=620ue
Intel CPU Cores=620um
Intel CPU Cores=640lm
Intel CPU Cores=640m
Intel CPU Cores=640um
Intel CPU Cores=660lm
Intel CPU Cores=660ue
Intel CPU Cores=660um
Intel CPU Cores=680um
Intel CPU Cores=720qm
Intel CPU Cores=740qm
Intel CPU Cores=820qm
Intel CPU Cores=840qm
Intel CPU Cores=860
Intel CPU Cores=860s
Intel CPU Cores=870
Intel CPU Cores=870s
Intel CPU Cores=875k
Intel CPU Cores=880
Intel CPU Cores=920
Intel CPU Cores=920xm
Intel CPU Cores=930
Intel CPU Cores=940
Intel CPU Cores=940xm
Intel CPU Cores=950
Intel CPU Cores=960
Intel CPU Cores=965
Intel CPU Cores=970
Intel CPU Cores=975
Intel CPU Cores=980
Intel CPU Cores=980x
Intel CPU Cores=990x
Intel CPU Cores=2600
Intel CPU Cores=2600k
Intel CPU Cores=2600s
Intel CPU Cores=2610ue
Intel CPU Cores=2617m
Intel CPU Cores=2620m
Intel CPU Cores=2629m
Intel CPU Cores=2630qm
Intel CPU Cores=2635qm
Intel CPU Cores=2637m
Intel CPU Cores=2640m
Intel CPU Cores=2649m
Intel CPU Cores=2655le
Intel CPU Cores=2657m
Intel CPU Cores=2670qm
Intel CPU Cores=2675qm
Intel CPU Cores=2677m
Intel CPU Cores=2700k
Intel CPU Cores=2710qe
Intel CPU Cores=2715qe
Intel CPU Cores=2720qm
Intel CPU Cores=2760qm
Intel CPU Cores=2820qm
Intel CPU Cores=2860qm
Intel CPU Cores=2920xm
Intel CPU Cores=2960xm
Intel CPU Cores=3517u
Intel CPU Cores=3517ue
Intel CPU Cores=3520m
Intel CPU Cores=3537u
Intel CPU Cores=3540m
Intel CPU Cores=3555le
Intel CPU Cores=3610qe
Intel CPU Cores=3610qm
Intel CPU Cores=3612qe
Intel CPU Cores=3612qm
Intel CPU Cores=3615qe
Intel CPU Cores=3615qm
Intel CPU Cores=3630qm
Intel CPU Cores=3632qm
Intel CPU Cores=3635qm
Intel CPU Cores=3667u
Intel CPU Cores=3687u
Intel CPU Cores=3689y
Intel CPU Cores=3720qm
Intel CPU Cores=3740qm
Intel CPU Cores=3770
Intel CPU Cores=3770k
Intel CPU Cores=3770s
Intel CPU Cores=3770t
Intel CPU Cores=3820qm
Intel CPU Cores=3840qm
Intel Core Solo=t1250
Intel Core Solo=t1300
Intel Core Solo=t1350
Intel Core Solo=t1400
Intel Core Solo=u1300
Intel Core Solo=u1400
Intel Core Solo=u1500
Intel Xeon E3-1268L v5
Intel Xeon E3-1275 v5
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5115
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5118
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5119t
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5120
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5120t
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=5122
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6126
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6126f
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6126t
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6128
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6130
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6130f
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6130t
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6132
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6134
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6134m
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6136
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6138
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6138f
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6138t
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6140
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6140m
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6142
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6142f
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6142m
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6144
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6146
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6148
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6148f
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6150
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6152
Intel Xeon Gold Processors=6154
Intel Xeon Platinum Processors=8153
Intel Xeon Platinum Processors=8156
Intel Xeon Platinum Processors=8158
Intel Xeon Platinum Processors=8160
Intel Xeon Platinum Processors=8160f
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the severity of CVE-2018-3628?

    CVE-2018-3628 has been rated as high severity due to the potential for arbitrary code execution.

  • How do I fix CVE-2018-3628?

    To mitigate CVE-2018-3628, update the Intel Active Management Technology firmware to a patched version provided by Intel.

  • Who is affected by CVE-2018-3628?

    CVE-2018-3628 affects Intel Active Management Technology firmware versions 3.x to 11.x across various Intel processors.

  • What could an attacker achieve by exploiting CVE-2018-3628?

    An attacker exploiting CVE-2018-3628 could execute arbitrary code on affected systems within the same subnet.

  • Is CVE-2018-3628 a local or remote vulnerability?

    CVE-2018-3628 is considered a remote vulnerability as it can be exploited over the network from within the same subnet.


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