Advisory Published

CVE-2019-10241: XSS

First published: Mon Apr 22 2019(Updated: )

Eclipse Jetty is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the DefaultServlet and ResourceHandler. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.


Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.0-20140523
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.0-20140526
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.0-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.0-maintenance_1
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.0-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.1-20140609
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.2-20140723
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.3-20140905
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.4-20141103
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.5-20141112
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.6-20141203
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.6-20141205
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.7-20150116
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.8-20150217
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.9-20150224
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.10-20150310
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.11-20150528
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.11-20150529
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.11-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.12-20150709
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.12-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.13-20150730
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.14-20151106
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.15-20160210
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.16-20160407
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.16-20160414
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.17-20160517
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.18-20160721
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.19-20160908
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.20-20161216
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.21-20170120
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.22-20170606
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.23-20171218
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.24-20180105
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.25-20180606
Eclipse Jetty=9.2.26-20180806
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-20150601
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-20150608
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-20150612
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-maintenance0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-maintenance1
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-maintenance2
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.0-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.1-20150714
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.2-20150730
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.3-20150825
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.3-20150827
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.4-20151005
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.4-20151007
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.4-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.4-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.5-20151012
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.6-20151106
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.7-20160115
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.7-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.7-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.8-20160311
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.8-20160314
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.8-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.9-20160517
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.9-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.9-maintenance_1
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.10-20160621
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.10-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.11-20160721
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.11-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.12-20160915
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.13-20161014
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.13-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.14-20161028
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.15-20161220
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.16-20170119
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.16-20170120
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.17-20170317
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.17-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.18-20170406
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.19-20170502
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.20-20170531
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.21-20170918
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.21-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.21-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.22-20171030
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.23-20180228
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.24-20180605
Eclipse Jetty=9.3.25-20180904
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-20161207
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-20161208
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-maintenance_0
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-maintenance_1
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-rc2
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.0-rc3
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.1-20170120
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.1-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.2-20170220
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.2-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.3-20170317
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.3-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.4-20170410
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.4-20170414
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.4-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.5-20170502
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.5-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.6-20170531
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.6-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.7-20170914
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.7-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.7-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.8-20171121
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.8-20180619
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.9-20180320
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.10-20180503
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.10-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.10-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.11-20180605
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.12-20180830
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.12-rc0
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.12-rc1
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.12-rc2
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.13-20181111
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.14-20181114
Eclipse Jetty=9.4.15-20190215
Debian Debian Linux=9.0
Debian Debian Linux=10.0
Apache ActiveMQ=5.15.9
Apache Drill=1.16.0
Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking>=11.5.0<=11.7.0
Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking=5.2.0
Oracle REST Data Services=
Oracle REST Data Services=
Oracle REST Data Services=
Oracle REST Data Services=18c
Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service=7.1
Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service=15.0
Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service=16.0
Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service=17.0
IBM Cognos Command Center<=

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Parent vulnerabilities

(Appears in the following advisories)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the vulnerability ID for this Jetty vulnerability?

    The vulnerability ID for this Jetty vulnerability is CVE-2019-10241.

  • What is the severity of CVE-2019-10241?

    The severity of CVE-2019-10241 is medium.

  • How does the vulnerability in CVE-2019-10241 manifest?

    The vulnerability in CVE-2019-10241 manifests as XSS (cross-site scripting) conditions when a remote client uses a specially formatted URL against the DefaultServlet or ResourceHandler that is configured for showing a Listing of directory contents.

  • Which versions of Eclipse Jetty are affected by CVE-2019-10241?

    Eclipse Jetty version 9.2.26 and older, 9.3.25 and older, and 9.4.15 and older are affected by CVE-2019-10241.

  • How can I fix CVE-2019-10241?

    To fix CVE-2019-10241, update to Jetty version 9.2.27 (or later), 9.3.26 (or later), or 9.4.16 (or later), depending on the version you are using.


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