190 122
Advisory Published

CVE-2022-1924: Integer Overflow

First published: Tue Jul 19 2022(Updated: )

DOS / potential heap overwrite in mkv demuxing using lzo decompression. Integer overflow in matroskademux element in lzo decompression function which causes a segfault, or could cause a heap overwrite, depending on libc and OS. Depending on the libc used, and the underlying OS capabilities, it could be just a segfault or a heap overwrite. If the libc uses mmap for large chunks, and the OS supports mmap, then it is just a segfault (because the realloc before the integer overflow will use mremap to reduce the size of the chunk, and it will start to write to unmapped memory). However, if using a libc implementation that does not use mmap, or if the OS does not support mmap while using libc, then this could result in a heap overwrite.

Credit: secalert@redhat.com

Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Gstreamer Project Gstreamer<1.20.3
Debian Debian Linux=10.0
Debian Debian Linux=11.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CVE-2022-1924?

    CVE-2022-1924 is a vulnerability that allows for a denial of service (DOS) attack or potential heap overwrite in mkv demuxing using lzo decompression.

  • What is the severity of CVE-2022-1924?

    The severity of CVE-2022-1924 is high, with a CVSS score of 7.8.

  • Which software is affected by CVE-2022-1924?

    The Gstreamer Project Gstreamer versions up to 1.20.3, Debian Debian Linux 10.0, Debian Debian Linux 11.0, and debian/gst-plugins-good1.0 up to version 1.14.4-1+deb10u1 are affected by CVE-2022-1924.

  • How can I fix the CVE-2022-1924 vulnerability?

    To fix the CVE-2022-1924 vulnerability, update Gstreamer Project Gstreamer to version 1.20.4 or later, Debian Debian Linux to version 10.0+deb10u4, 11.0+deb11u2, or 12.0+deb12u1, and debian/gst-plugins-good1.0 to version 1.14.4-1+deb10u3 or later.

  • Is there any additional information about CVE-2022-1924?

    Yes, for more information about CVE-2022-1924, you can refer to the GitLab issue #1225 and Debian Security Advisory DSA-5204.


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