Advisory Published


First published: Thu Jun 09 2022(Updated: )

OAuthenticator is an OAuth token library for the JupyerHub login handler. CILogonOAuthenticator is provided by the OAuthenticator package, and lets users log in to a JupyterHub via CILogon. This is primarily used to restrict a JupyterHub only to users of a given institute. The allowed_idps configuration trait of CILogonOAuthenticator is documented to be a list of domains that indicate the institutions whose users are authorized to access this JupyterHub. This authorization is validated by ensuring that the *email* field provided to us by CILogon has a *domain* that matches one of the domains listed in `allowed_idps`.If `allowed_idps` contains ``, you might expect only users with valid current credentials provided by University of California, Berkeley to be able to access the JupyterHub. However, CILogonOAuthenticator does *not* verify which provider is used by the user to login, only the email address provided. So a user can login with a GitHub account that has email set to `<something>`, and that will be treated exactly the same as someone logging in using the UC Berkeley official Identity Provider. The patch fixing this issue makes a *breaking change* in how `allowed_idps` is interpreted. It's no longer a list of domains, but configuration representing the `EntityID` of the IdPs that are allowed, picked from the [list maintained by CILogon]( Users are advised to upgrade.


Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Jupyter Oauthenticator<15.0.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CVE-2022-31027?

    CVE-2022-31027 is a vulnerability in the OAuthenticator library used in JupyterHub for CILogon authentication.

  • What is the severity of CVE-2022-31027?

    The severity of CVE-2022-31027 is medium, with a CVSS score of 6.5.

  • How does CVE-2022-31027 affect JupyterHub?

    CVE-2022-31027 affects JupyterHub by allowing unauthorized users to log in via CILogon.

  • Which version of Jupyter Oauthenticator is affected by CVE-2022-31027?

    Versions up to and excluding 15.0.0 of Jupyter Oauthenticator are affected by CVE-2022-31027.

  • How can I fix CVE-2022-31027?

    To fix CVE-2022-31027, update your Jupyter Oauthenticator library to a version higher than 15.0.0.


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