Advisory Published


First published: Mon Aug 15 2022(Updated: )

This library allows strings to be parsed as functions and stored as a specialized component, [`JsonFunctionValue`]( To do this, Javascript's [`eval`]( function is used to execute strings that begin with "function" as Javascript. This unfortunately could allow arbitrary code to be executed if it exists as a value within the JSON structure being displayed. Given that this component may often be used to display data from arbitrary, untrusted sources, this is extremely dangerous. One important note is that users who have defined a custom [`onSubmitValueParser`]( callback prop on the [`JsonTree`]( component should be ***unaffected***. This vulnerability exists in the default `onSubmitValueParser` prop which calls [`parse`]( Prop is added to `JsonTree` called `allowFunctionEvaluation`. This prop will be set to `true` in v2.2.2, which allows upgrade without losing backwards-compatibility. In v2.2.2, we switched from using `eval` to using [`Function`]( to construct anonymous functions. This is better than `eval` for the following reasons: - Arbitrary code should not be able to execute immediately, since the `Function` constructor explicitly *only creates* anonymous functions - Functions are created without local closures, so they only have access to the global scope If you use: - **Version `<2.2.2`**, you must upgrade as soon as possible. - **Version `^2.2.2`**, you must explicitly set `JsonTree`'s `allowFunctionEvaluation` prop to `false` to fully mitigate this vulnerability. - **Version `>=3.0.0`**, `allowFunctionEvaluation` is already set to `false` by default, so no further steps are necessary.


Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
React Editable Json Tree Project React Editable Json Tree<2.2.2

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CVE-2022-36010?

    CVE-2022-36010 is a vulnerability in the React Editable Json Tree library that allows strings to be parsed as functions and stored as a specialized component.

  • How severe is CVE-2022-36010?

    CVE-2022-36010 has a severity rating of 9.8 (critical).

  • What software is affected by CVE-2022-36010?

    The React Editable Json Tree library version up to 2.2.2 in Node.js is affected by CVE-2022-36010.

  • What is the CWE of CVE-2022-36010?

    The CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration) of CVE-2022-36010 is CWE-95 (Improper Neutralization of Directives in Dynamically Evaluated Code).

  • Where can I find more information about CVE-2022-36010?

    More information about CVE-2022-36010 can be found in the following references: [GitHub Release]( and [GitHub Security Advisory](


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