Advisory Published
Advisory Published

CVE-2023-48295: Cross-site Scripting at Device groups Deletion feature in LibreNMS

First published: Fri Nov 17 2023(Updated: )

LibreNMS is an auto-discovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP based network monitoring which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems. Affected versions are subject to a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the device group popups. This issue has been addressed in commit `faf66035ea` which has been included in release version 23.11.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

### Summary XSS attacks occurs when application is not sanitising inputs properly and rendering the code from user input to browser which could allow an attacker to execute malicious javascript code. ### PoC 1. Login 2. Create a device group in /device-groups 3. Name it as `"><img src=x onerror=alert(1);>` 4. save it 5. Go to services and create a service template and add that device group into that and save it 6. After that go back to device groups and delete that device, you will see XSS payload popup in message <img width="1043" alt="Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 9 15 56 PM" src=""> ### Vulnerable code: Line 173 is not sanitizing device name properly <img width="793" alt="Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 9 26 14 PM" src=""> ### Impact Cross site scripting can lead to cookie stealing attacks


Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Librenms Librenms<23.11.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the vulnerability ID for this issue?

    The vulnerability ID for this issue is CVE-2023-48295.

  • What is the severity of CVE-2023-48295?

    The severity of CVE-2023-48295 is medium with a CVSS score of 6.3.

  • What is the affected software for CVE-2023-48295?

    The affected software for CVE-2023-48295 is LibreNMS version up to and exclusive of 23.11.0.

  • How does the vulnerability occur?

    This vulnerability occurs due to improper sanitization of user inputs and execution of malicious JavaScript code.

  • How can I fix CVE-2023-48295?

    To fix CVE-2023-48295, upgrade LibreNMS to version 23.11.0 or above.


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