379 732
Advisory Published


First published: Sat Dec 09 2023(Updated: )

### Impact A PyInstaller built application, elevated as a privileged process, may be tricked by an unprivileged attacker into deleting files the unprivileged user does not otherwise have access to. A user is affected if **all** the following are satisfied: * The user runs an application containing either `matplotlib` or `win32com`. * The application is ran as administrator (or at least a user with higher privileges than the attacker). * The user's temporary directory is not locked to that specific user (most likely due to `TMP`/`TEMP` environment variables pointing to an unprotected, arbitrary, non default location). * Either: - The attacker is able to very carefully time the replacement of a temporary file with a symlink. This switch must occur exactly between [`shutil.rmtree()`'s builtin symlink check](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/0fb18b02c8ad56299d6a2910be0bab8ad601ef24/Lib/shutil.py#L623) and the deletion itself - The application was built with Python 3.7.x or earlier which has no protection against Directory Junctions links ### Patches The vulnerability has been addressed in https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/pull/7827 which corresponds to `pyinstaller >= 5.13.1` ### Workarounds _Is there a way for users to fix or remediate the vulnerability without upgrading?_ No workaround, although the attack complexity becomes much higher if the application is built with Python >= 3.8.0.

Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the impact of vulnerability GHSA-9w2p-rh8c-v9g5?

    A PyInstaller built application, elevated as a privileged process, may be tricked into deleting files the unprivileged user does not have access to.

  • Who is affected by vulnerability GHSA-9w2p-rh8c-v9g5?

    Users who run an application containing PyInstaller version 5.13.1 are affected.

  • How can an unprivileged attacker trick the application into deleting files?

    The application can be tricked by an unprivileged attacker by using a specific method or technique that allows them to manipulate or exploit the application's functionality.

  • What is the severity of vulnerability GHSA-9w2p-rh8c-v9g5?

    The severity of this vulnerability is high with a CVSS score of 8.8.

  • How can I fix vulnerability GHSA-9w2p-rh8c-v9g5?

    To fix vulnerability GHSA-9w2p-rh8c-v9g5, update PyInstaller to version 5.13.1 or higher.


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