79 352
Advisory Published

GHSA-cv25-3pxr-4q7x: XSS

First published: Wed May 15 2024(Updated: )

Magento Commerce and Open Source have been enhanced with critical security updates to address multiple vulnerabilities, including remote code execution (RCE), cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and more. The following issues have been identified and remediated: - PRODSECBUG-1589: Stops Brute Force Requests via basic RSS authentication - MAG-23: M1 Credit Card Storage Capability - PRODSECBUG-2149: Authenticated RCE using customer import - PRODSECBUG-2159: API Based RCE Vulnerability - PRODSECBUG-2156: RCE Via Unauthorized Upload - PRODSECBUG-2155: Authenticated RCE using dataflow - PRODSECBUG-2053: Prevents XSS in Newsletter Template - PRODSECBUG-2142: XSS in CMS Preview - PRODSECBUG-1860: Admin Account XSS Attack Cessation via Filename - PRODSECBUG-2119: EE Patch to include names in templates - PRODSECBUG-2129: XSS in Google Analytics Vulnerability - PRODSECBUG-2019: Merchant Wishlist Security Strengthening - PRODSECBUG-2104: Send to a Friend Vulnerability - PRODSECBUG-2125: CSRF on deletion of Blocks Vulnerability - PRODSECBUG-2088: CSRF Vulnerability related to Customer Group Deletion - PRODSECBUG-2140: CSRF on deletion of Site Map - PRODSECBUG-2108: Outdated jQuery causing PCI scanning failures - MAG-12, MAG-2: Encryption Keys Stored in Plain Text - PRODSECBUG-2141: Unauthorized Admin Panel Bypass ### Patching and Upgrading: Patches and upgrades are available for the following Magento versions: Magento Commerce Apply SUPEE-10975 or upgrade to Magento Commerce Magento Open Source Apply SUPEE-10975 or upgrade to Magento Open Source

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