Advisory Published

RHSA-2022:6835: Important: Service Registry (container images) release and security update [2.3.0.GA]

First published: Thu Oct 06 2022(Updated: )

This release of Red Hat Integration - Service registry 2.3.0.GA serves as a replacement for 2.0.3.GA, and includes the below security fixes.<br>Security Fix(es):<br><li> cron-utils: template Injection leading to unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (CVE-2021-41269)</li> <li> prismjs: improperly escaped output allows a XSS (CVE-2022-23647)</li> <li> snakeyaml: Denial of Service due missing to nested depth limitation for collections (CVE-2022-25857)</li> <li> moment: inefficient parsing algorithm resulting in DoS (CVE-2022-31129)</li> <li> moment: inefficient parsing algorithm resulting in DoS (CVE-2022-31129)</li> <li> protobuf-java: potential DoS in the parsing procedure for binary data (CVE-2021-22569)</li> <li> quarkus: privilege escalation vulnerability with RestEasy Reactive scope leakage in Quarkus (CVE-2022-0981)</li> <li> quarkus-jdbc-postgresql-deployment: jdbc-postgresql: Unchecked Class Instantiation when providing Plugin Classes (CVE-2022-21724)</li> <li> netty-codec: SnappyFrameDecoder doesn't restrict chunk length and may buffer skippable chunks in an unnecessary way (CVE-2021-37137)</li> <li> netty-codec: Bzip2Decoder doesn't allow setting size restrictions for decompressed data (CVE-2021-37136)</li> <li> node-fetch: exposure of sensitive information to an unauthorized actor (CVE-2022-0235)</li> <li> follow-redirects: Exposure of Sensitive Information via Authorization Header leak (CVE-2022-0536)</li> <li> jdbc-postgresql: postgresql-jdbc: Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability (CVE-2022-26520)</li> <li> node-forge: Signature verification leniency in checking `digestAlgorithm` structure can lead to signature forgery (CVE-2022-24771)</li> <li> node-forge: Signature verification failing to check tailing garbage bytes can lead to signature forgery (CVE-2022-24772)</li> <li> node-forge: Signature verification leniency in checking `DigestInfo` structure (CVE-2022-24773)</li> <li> Deserialization of Untrusted Data in (CVE-2022-25647)</li> <li> terser: insecure use of regular expressions leads to ReDoS (CVE-2022-25858)</li> <li> graphql-java: DoS by malicious query (CVE-2022-37734)</li> For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

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