
Oracle Banking Enterprise CollectionsVelocity Sandbox Bypass

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redhat/eap7-elytron-webFasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadg…

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redhat/eap7-elytron-webFasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadg…

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redhat/eap7-elytron-webFasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadg…

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redhat/eap7-elytron-webFasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadg…

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redhat/eap7-elytron-webFasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadg…

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Oracle Banking PlatformCode Injection

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Oracle UtilitiesApache Ant TAR archive denial of service vulnerability

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Oracle Banking APIsPossible limited path traversal vulnerabily in Apache Commons IO

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Oracle UtilitiesApache Ant ZIP, and ZIP based, archive denial of service vulerability

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Oracle UtilitiesXStream is vulnerable to a Remote Command Execution attack

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UbuntuApache HTTP Server Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

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TomcatApache Tomcat Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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Oracle Retail Integration BusCode Injection, Input Validation

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Veritas NetBackup Appliance FirmwareSpring Framework JDK 9+ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository FunctionVMware Tanzu Spring Cloud Function Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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Node.jsSome HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to unconstrained interal data buffering, potentially leading to a denial of service

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Mortbay JettyXSS

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Oracle UtilitiesA flaw was found in the Apache Commons BeanUtils, where the class property in PropertyUtilsBean is n…

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Apache Log4jApache log4j2 log messages substitution (CVE-2021-44228)

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementA Server-Side Forgery Request can be activated unmarshalling with XStream to access data streams from an arbitrary URL referencing a resource in an intranet or the local host

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary Code Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an attack using Regular Expression for a Denial of Service (ReDos)

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary Code Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to a Remote Command Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Deletion on the local host when unmarshalling as long as the executing process has sufficient rights

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary Code Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary Code Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary Code Execution attack

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Oracle Communications Unified Inventory ManagementXStream can cause a Denial of Service

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