
maven/org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix Webconsole: XSS in services console

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Apache KvrocksApache Kvrocks: Cross-Protocol Scripting Vulnerability

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Apache DorisApache Doris: allows admin users to read arbitrary files through the REST API

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maven/org.apache.cassandra:cassandra-allApache Cassandra: CassandraNetworkAuthorizer and CassandraCIDRAuthorizer can be bypassed allowing access to different network regions

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maven/org.apache.cassandra:cassandra-allApache Cassandra: unrestricted deserialization of JMX authentication credentials

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Apache HiveApache Hive: Credentials file created with non restrictive permissions

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Apache HiveApache Hive: Timing Attack Against Signature in LLAP util

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Apache SolrApache Solr: Configset upload on Windows allows arbitrary path write-access

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Apache SolrApache Solr: Core-creation with "trusted" configset can use arbitrary untrusted files

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maven/org.apache.wicket:wicket-coreApache Wicket: An attacker can intentionally trigger a memory leak

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Apache CloudStackApache CloudStack: Unauthorised access to annotations

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maven/org.apache.nifi:nifi-web-apiApache NiFi: Missing Complete Authorization for Parameter and Service References

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TomcatRace Condition

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pip/apache-supersetApache Superset: Error verbosity exposes metadata in analytics databases

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Apache NiFiApache NiFi: Potential Insertion of Sensitive Parameter Values in Debug Log

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Apache KafkaFiles or Directories Accessible to External Parties, Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in …

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Apache NiFiApache NiFi: Improper Neutralization of Input in Parameter Description

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CVE-2024-45461Apache CloudStack Quota plugin: Access checks not enforced in Quota

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Apache Commons IOUncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability in Apache Commons IO. The…

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maven/org.apache.druid:druidApache Druid: Users can provide MySQL JDBC properties not on allow list

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maven/org.apache.druid.extensions:druid-pac4jApache Druid: Padding oracle in druid-pac4j extension that allows an attacker to manipulate a pac4j session cookie via Padding Oracle Attack

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Apache ActiveMQActiveMQ Content Pack: Cleartext Exposure of Credentials

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Apache Portable RuntimeApache Portable Runtime (APR): Unexpected lax shared memory permissions

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pip/apache-airflowApache Airflow: Stored XSS Vulnerability on provider link

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maven/org.apache.sshd:sshd-commonApache MINA SSHD: integrity check bypass

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go/ Answer: The link for resetting user password is not Single-Use

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go/ Answer: The link to reset the user's password will remain valid after sending a new link

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Apache CloudStackApache CloudStack: Unauthorised Network List Access

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maven/org.apache.linkis:linkisApache Linkis Basic management services: Engine material management Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability

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Apache RollerApache Roller: Insufficient input validation for some user profile and bookmark fields when Roller in untested-users mode

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