
Apache StreamPipesApache StreamPipes: Resources Permission Escalation

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TomcatRace Condition

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pip/apache-supersetApache Superset: Server arbitrary file read

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CVE-2024-45461Apache CloudStack Quota plugin: Access checks not enforced in Quota

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Oracle UtilitiesApache Ant TAR archive denial of service vulnerability

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Oracle Banking APIsPossible limited path traversal vulnerabily in Apache Commons IO

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IBM Data Virtualization on Cloud Pak for DataXSS

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Oracle UtilitiesApache Ant ZIP, and ZIP based, archive denial of service vulerability

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maven/org.apache.cassandra:cassandra-allApache Cassandra: CassandraNetworkAuthorizer and CassandraCIDRAuthorizer can be bypassed allowing access to different network regions

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maven/org.apache.cassandra:cassandra-allApache Cassandra: unrestricted deserialization of JMX authentication credentials

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Apache SolrApache Solr: Core-creation with "trusted" configset can use arbitrary untrusted files

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Apache HiveApache Hive: Timing Attack Against Signature in LLAP util

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Trellix ePolicy OrchestratorIncorrect Transfer-Encoding handling with HTTP/1.0

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maven/org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-coreApache James Mime4J: Mime4J DOM header injection

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Apache Commons IOUncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability in Apache Commons IO. The…

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Apache KvrocksApache Kvrocks: Cross-Protocol Scripting Vulnerability

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Apache AirflowApache Airflow: Bypass permission verification to read code of other dags

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pip/apache-airflowApache Airflow: DAG Params alllow to embed unchecked Javascript

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Apache SupersetApache Superset: Allows for uncontrolled resource consumption via a ZIP bomb

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Apache StormApache Storm: Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Storm-core on Unix-Like systems due temporary files

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Apache SupersetApache Superset: Lack of rate limiting allows for possible denial of service

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pip/apache-supersetApache Superset: Sensitive information disclosure on db connection details

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Apache SupersetApache Superset: Unnecessary read permissions within the Gamma role

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Apache AirflowApache Airflow missing fix for CVE-2023-40611 in 2.7.1 (DAG run broken access)

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pip/apache-airflowApache Airflow: Bypass permission verification to view task instances of other dags

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maven/org.apache.santuario:xmlsecApache Santuario: Private Key disclosure in debug-log output

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TomcatApache Tomcat: Failure during request clean-up leads to sensitive data leaking to subsequent requests

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redhat/Apache Commons CompressApache Commons Compress: OutOfMemoryError unpacking broken Pack200 file

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Apache Commons CompressApache Commons Compress: Denial of service via CPU consumption for malformed TAR file

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Apache AirflowApache Airflow Dag Runs Broken Access Control Vulnerability

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