
HashiCorp Vault 1.19End of life

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Terraform 1.11End of life

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HashiCorp HermesHashiCorp Hermes Improperly Validates AWS ALB JWTs, which May Lead to Authentication Bypass

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HashiCorp NomadNomad Vulnerable To Event Stream Namespace ACL Policy Bypass Through Wildcard Namespace

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go/ go-slug Vulnerable to Zip Slip Attack

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HashiCorp Nomad 1.9End of life

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HashiCorp Nomad 1.9End of life

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Terraform 1.10End of life

First published (updated )

Terraform 1.10End of life

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HashiCorp Vault 1.18Reached end of life

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HashiCorp Vault 1.18Reached end of life

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HashiCorp ConsulConsul Vulnerable To Reflected XSS On Content-Type Error Manipulation

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HashiCorp ConsulConsul L7 Intentions Vulnerable To Headers Bypass

First published (updated )

HashiCorp ConsulConsul L7 Intentions Vulnerable To URL Path Bypass

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HashiCorp Vagrant VMware Utility for WindowsVagrant VMWare Utility installation files vulnerable to modification by unprivileged user

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HashiCorp Consul 1.20End of life

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HashiCorp Consul 1.20End of life

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Terraform 1.9Reached end of life

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Terraform 1.9Reached end of life

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HashiCorp VaultVault Operators in Root Namespace May Elevate Their Privileges

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HashiCorp VaultVault Leaks AppRole Client Tokens And Accessor in Audit Log

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EOL-hashicorp-vault-1.17 1.17Reached end of life

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latest-version-hashicorp-vault-1.17 1.17Reached end of life

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EOL-consul-1.19 1.19End of life

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latest-version-consul-1.19 1.19End of life

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latest-version-nomad-1.8 1.8End of life

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EOL-nomad-1.8 1.8End of life

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HashiCorp NomadNomad Vulnerable to Allocation Directory Path Escape Through Archive Unpacking

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go/ can leak basic auth credentials to log files

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Terraform 1.8Reached end of life

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