Latest Tibco Vulnerabilities

TIBCO EBX File Inclusion Vulnerability
TIBCO EBX<=5.9.25
TIBCO EBX=6.1.3-hotfix1
TIBCO EBX=6.1.3-hotfix2
TIBCO EBX Cross-site Scripting (XXS) Vulnerability
TIBCO EBX<=5.0.0
TIBCO EBX>=5.1.1<5.9.23
TIBCO EBX>=6.0.0<6.0.14
TIBCO Spotfire Insufficiently Protected Credential vulnerability
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=12.3.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=12.4.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=12.5.0
Tibco Spotfire Analytics Platform=12.5.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=12.3.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=12.4.0
and 1 more
The Hawk Console and Hawk Agent components of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Hawk, TIBCO Hawk Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric, TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk RedTail, and TIBCO Runtime Agent co...
TIBCO Hawk<6.2.3
TIBCO Hawk Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric<6.2.3
TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk RedTail<7.2.2
Tibco Runtime Agent<5.12.3
The Spotfire Library component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s Spotfire Analyst and Spotfire Server contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to e...
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst<=11.4.7
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.5.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.6.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.7.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.8.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=12.0.0
and 23 more
The Web Client component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Nimbus contains easily exploitable Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow a low privileged attacker to social engineer ...
TIBCO Nimbus<10.6.1
The Data Exchange Add-on component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX Add-ons contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged user with import permissions and network access ...
TIBCO EBX Add-ons<=4.5.17
TIBCO EBX Add-ons>=5.0.0<=5.6.2
TIBCO EBX Add-ons=6.1.0
The server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX Add-ons contains an exploitable vulnerability that allows an attacker to upload files to a directory accessible by the web server. Affected rele...
TIBCO EBX Add-ons<4.5.17
The server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX Add-ons contains a vulnerability that allows an attacker with low-privileged application access to read system files that are accessible to the...
TIBCO EBX Add-ons<4.5.17
The Splus Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services contains a vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to upload or modify arbitrary files withi...
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services<11.4.11
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services=11.5.0
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services=11.6.0
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services=11.6.1
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services=11.6.2
TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services=11.7.0
and 7 more
The server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX Add-ons contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to execute stored XSS on the affe...
TIBCO EBX Add-ons<5.6.1
The Web Application component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX and TIBCO Product and Service Catalog powered by TIBCO EBX contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged at...
TIBCO EBX<5.9.22
TIBCO EBX>=6.0.0<6.0.12
TIBCO Product and Service Catalog powered by TIBCO EBX<1.2.1
The BusinessConnect UI component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect contains easily exploitable Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow a low privileged attacker wi...
TIBCO BusinessConnect<7.3.1
The BusinessConnect UI component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to execute a cros...
TIBCO BusinessConnect<7.3.1
The Hawk Console component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Hawk and TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk RedTail contains a vulnerability that will return the EMS transport password and EMS SSL password...
TIBCO Hawk>=6.1.0<6.2.2
TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk RedTail>=7.0.0<7.2.1
The HTML escaping component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Community Edition, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Developer Edit...
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
TIBCO JasperReports Server -<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=8.1.0
and 2 more
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
TIBCO JasperReports Server -<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=8.1.0
and 1 more
The JNDI Data Sources component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Community Edition, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Developer ...
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.0.2
TIBCO JasperReports Server -<=8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=8.1.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=8.1.0
and 2 more
The Statement Set Upload via the Web Client component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Nimbus contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to ex...
TIBCO Nimbus=10.5.0
The Web Client component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Nimbus contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network access to exploit an open redirect on t...
TIBCO Nimbus=10.5.0
The Visualizations component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Spotfire Analyst, TIBCO Spotfire Analyst, TIBCO Spotfire Analyst, TIBCO Spotfire Analytics Platform for AWS Marketplace, TIBCO Spotfire Desk...
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst<=11.4.4
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.5.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.6.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.7.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=11.8.0
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst=12.0.0
and 23 more
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX Add-ons contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to execute Stored Cross Site ...
TIBCO EBX Add-ons<5.4.2
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker with network access to execute Stored Cross Site Scriptin...
TIBCO EBX>=6.0.0<6.0.9
The Web Player component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Spotfire Analytics Platform for AWS Marketplace and TIBCO Spotfire Server contains a difficult to exploit vulnerability that allows a low privil...
Tibco Spotfire Analytics Platform=12.0.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=12.0.0
The Web Console component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Data Science - Workbench, TIBCO Statistica, TIBCO Statistica - Estore Edition, and TIBCO Statistica Trial contains easily exploitable Reflected...
TIBCO Data Science - Workbench<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
The Web Console component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Data Science - Workbench, TIBCO Statistica, TIBCO Statistica - Estore Edition, and TIBCO Statistica Trial contains an easily exploitable vulner...
TIBCO Data Science - Workbench<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
TIBCO Statistica<14.0.1
The ftlserver component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO FTL - Community Edition, TIBCO FTL - Developer Edition, TIBCO FTL - Enterprise Edition, TIBCO FTL - Enterprise Edition, TIBCO eFTL - Community Ed...
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.0<=6.7.3
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.0<=6.8.0
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.1<=6.8.0
TIBCO eFTL>=6.0.0<=6.7.3
TIBCO eFTL>=6.0.0<=6.8.0
and 2 more
The ftlserver component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO FTL - Community Edition, TIBCO FTL - Developer Edition, TIBCO FTL - Enterprise Edition, and TIBCO FTL - Enterprise Edition contains an easily exp...
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.0<=6.7.3
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.0<=6.8.0
TIBCO FTL>=6.0.1<=6.8.0
The iWay Service Manager Console component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO iWay Service Manager contains easily exploitable Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow a low privile...
TIBCO iWay Service Manager<8.0.7
The iWay Service Manager Console component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO iWay Service Manager contains an easily exploitable Directory Traversal vulnerability that allows a low privileged attacker wi...
TIBCO iWay Service Manager<8.0.7
The Column Based Security component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Data Virtualization and TIBCO Data Virtualization for AWS Marketplace contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows a low ...
TIBCO Data Virtualization<=8.5.2
TIBCO Data Virtualization for AWS Marketplace<=8.5.2
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management contains easily exploitable vulnerabilities that allows a low privileged attacker with network acce...
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management<6.1.1
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network a...
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management<6.1.1
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management contains easily exploitable Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow an unau...
TIBCO BusinessConnect Trading Community Management<6.1.1
The REST API component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Community Edition, TIBCO JasperReports Server - Developer Edition, TIBCO JasperReports Server f...
Tibco Jasperreports Server<=7.9.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<8.0.2
TIBCO JasperReports Server -<8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<8.0.2
Tibco Jasperreports Server<8.0.2
TIBCO BPM Enterprise<4.3.2
Tibco Bpm Enterprise Distribution For Silver Fabric<4.3.2
The DOM XML parser and SAX XML parser components of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center, TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center, TIBCO Managed File Transfer Internet S...
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center<8.3.2
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Command Center>=8.4.0<8.4.2
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Internet Server<8.3.2
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Internet Server>=8.4.0<8.4.2
The cfsend, cfrecv, and CyberResp components of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for UNIX and TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/Linux contain a difficu...
TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server<8.1.1
Ibm Z Linux
Opengroup Unix
The Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO JasperReports Library, TIBCO JasperReports Library for ActiveMatrix BPM, TIBCO JasperReports Server, TIBCO JasperReports Server for AWS Marketplace,...
Tibco Jasperreports Library=7.9.0
Tibco Jasperreports Library=7.9.0
TIBCO JasperReports Server -=7.9.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=7.9.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=7.9.0
Tibco Jasperreports Server=7.9.0
and 4 more
The Database component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect Container Edition contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network access to obta...
TIBCO BusinessConnect<1.1.1
The Web Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO AuditSafe contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network access to execute API methods on the...
TIBCO AuditSafe<1.1.1
The Auth Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO BusinessConnect Container Edition contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with local access to obt...
TIBCO BusinessConnect<1.1.1
The Web server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO EBX, TIBCO EBX, TIBCO EBX, TIBCO EBX Add-ons, TIBCO EBX Add-ons, TIBCO EBX Add-ons, and TIBCO Product and Service Catalog powered by TIBCO EBX c...
TIBCO EBX<5.8.125
and 39 more
The Data Virtualization Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Data Virtualization, TIBCO Data Virtualization, TIBCO Data Virtualization, and TIBCO Data Virtualization for AWS Marketplace con...
TIBCO Data Virtualization<=8.3.0
TIBCO Data Virtualization=8.4.0
TIBCO Data Virtualization=8.5.0
TIBCO Data Virtualization for AWS Marketplace<=8.5.0
The eFTL Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO eFTL - Community Edition, TIBCO eFTL - Developer Edition, and TIBCO eFTL - Enterprise Edition contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that...
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
The Realm Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO FTL - Community Edition, TIBCO FTL - Developer Edition, and TIBCO FTL - Enterprise Edition contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that a...
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO FTL<=6.7.2
The eFTL Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO eFTL - Community Edition, TIBCO eFTL - Developer Edition, and TIBCO eFTL - Enterprise Edition contains an easily exploitable vulnerability that...
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
TIBCO eFTL<=6.7.2
The Spotfire Server component of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO Spotfire Server, TIBCO Spotfire Server, and TIBCO Spotfire Server contains a difficult to exploit vulnerability that allows malicious custo...
TIBCO Spotfire Server<=10.10.6
TIBCO Spotfire Server=11.0.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=11.1.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=11.2.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=11.3.0
TIBCO Spotfire Server=11.4.0
and 3 more
The Interior Server and Gateway Server components of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO PartnerExpress contain an easily exploitable vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker with network access ...
TIBCO PartnerExpress<=6.2.1


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