Advisory Published
Advisory Published

CVE-2023-48293: XWiki Admin Tools Application CSRF with QueryOnXWiki allows arbitrary database queries

First published: Mon Nov 20 2023(Updated: )

The XWiki Admin Tools Application provides tools to help the administration of XWiki. Prior to version 4.5.1, a cross-site request forgery vulnerability in the query on XWiki tool allows executing arbitrary database queries on the database of the XWiki installation. Among other things, this allows modifying and deleting all data of the wiki. This could be both used to damage the wiki and to create an account with elevated privileges for the attacker, thus impacting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the whole XWiki instance. A possible attack vector are comments on the wiki, by embedding an image with wiki syntax like `[[image:path:/xwiki/bin/view/Admin/QueryOnXWiki?query=DELETE%20FROM%20xwikidoc]]`, all documents would be deleted from the database when an admin user views this comment. This has been patched in Admin Tools Application 4.5.1 by adding form token checks. Some workarounds are available. The patch can also be applied manually to the affected pages. Alternatively, if the query tool is not needed, by deleting the document `Admin.SQLToolsGroovy`, all database query tools can be deactivated.

Credit: security-advisories@github.com security-advisories@github.com

Affected SoftwareAffected VersionHow to fix
Xwiki Xwiki<4.5.1

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CVE-2023-48293?

    CVE-2023-48293 is a vulnerability in the XWiki Admin Tools Application that allows for arbitrary database queries.

  • What is the impact of CVE-2023-48293?

    The vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary database queries on the XWiki installation, potentially modifying or deleting data.

  • How does CVE-2023-48293 affect XWiki?

    The vulnerability affects XWiki installations that have the XWiki Admin Tools Application version up to and excluding 4.5.1.

  • What is the severity of CVE-2023-48293?

    CVE-2023-48293 has a severity rating of 8.8 (high).

  • Are there any references for CVE-2023-48293?

    Yes, you can find references for CVE-2023-48293 in the following links: - [GitHub Advisory](https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-admintools/security/advisories/GHSA-4f4c-rhjv-4wgv) - [GitHub Commit](https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-admintools/commit/45298b4fbcafba6914537dcdd798a1e1385f9e46) - [XWiki JIRA](https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/ADMINTOOL-92)


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