
Magzter Magzter -magazine \& Book StoreThe Magzter -Magazine & Book Store (aka com.dci.magzter) application 3.31 for Android does not verif…

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Magzter Hong Kong Tatler SocietyThe Hong Kong Tatler Society (aka com.magzter.hongkongtatlersociety) application 3.0 for Android doe…

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Magzter Woodcraft MagazineThe Woodcraft Magazine (aka com.magzter.woodcraftmagazine) application 3.0 for Android does not veri…

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Magzter Autocar IndiaThe Autocar India (aka com.magzter.autocarindia) application 3.03 for Android does not verify X.509 …

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Magzter Sanctuary AsiaThe Sanctuary Asia (aka com.magzter.sanctuaryasia) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509…

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Magzter LegaleraThe LegalEra (aka com.magzter.legalera) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 certificat…

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Magzter Human FactorThe Human Factor (aka com.magzter.thehumanfactor) application 3.01 for Android does not verify X.509…

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Magzter MotorThe Motor (aka com.magzter.motorhwpublishing) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 cert…

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Magzter Intelligent SmeThe Intelligent SME (aka com.magzter.intelligentsme) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.5…

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Magzter Business IntelligenceThe Business Intelligence (aka com.magzter.businessintelligence) application 3.0 for Android does no…

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Magzter DhanamThe Dhanam (aka com.magzter.dhanam) application 3.1 for Android does not verify X.509 certificates f…

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Magzter Dignity DialogueThe Dignity Dialogue (aka com.magzter.dignitydialogue) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X…

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Magzter Macau BusinessThe Macau Business (aka com.magzter.macaubusiness) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509…

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Magzter Where AtlantaThe Where Atlanta (aka com.magzter.whereatlanta) application 3.0.2 for Android does not verify X.509…

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Magzter Indian Cement ReviewThe Indian Cement Review (aka com.magzter.indiancementreview) application 3.01 for Android does not …

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Magzter Penumbra EmagThe Penumbra eMag (aka com.magzter.penumbraemag) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 c…

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Magzter Nano DigestThe Nano Digest (aka com.magzter.nanodigest) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 certi…

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Magzter Hot CarsThe HOT CARS (aka com.magzter.hotcars) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 certificate…

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Magzter BespokeThe Bespoke (aka com.magzter.bespoke) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 certificates…

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Magzter Halftime MagazineThe Halftime Magazine (aka com.magzter.halftimemagazine) application 3.0 for Android does not verify…

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Magzter Global Movie MagazineThe GLOBAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (aka com.magzter.globalmoviemagazine) application 3.0 for Android does not…

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Magzter Cleo MalaysiaThe CLEO Malaysia (aka com.magzter.cleomalaysia) application 3.01 for Android does not verify X.509 …

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Magzter Sunday Indian OriyaThe Sunday Indian Oriya (aka com.magzter.thesundayindianoriya) application 3.0.1 for Android does no…

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Magzter Gr8\! TvThe GR8! TV (aka com.magzter.greighttv) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.509 certificat…

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Magzter Touriosity TravelmagThe Touriosity Travelmag (aka com.magzter.touriositytravelmag) application 3.1 for Android does not …

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Magzter Gent MagazineThe Gent Magazine (aka com.magzter.thegentmagazine) application 3.0 for Android does not verify X.50…

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Magzter Epc WorldThe Epc World (aka com.magzter.epcworld) application 3.1 for Android does not verify X.509 certifica…

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Magzter Bbc Knowledge MagazineThe BBC Knowledge Magazine (aka com.magzter.bbcknowledge) application 3.01 for Android does not veri…

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Magzter Digit MagazineThe Digit Magazine (aka com.magzter.digitmagazine) application 3.01 for Android does not verify X.50…

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Magzter Champak - HindiThe Champak - Hindi (aka com.magzter.champakhindi) application 3.0.1 for Android does not verify X.5…

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